Novoescuadra Eclipse Sunset este un cornier decorativ cu leduri cu care veti aduce lumina calda a apusului de soare in incaperile voastre.
Novoescuadra Eclipse Sunset va inunda spatiile cu perdele de lumina indirecta care vor creea o atmosfera inedita, confortabila si extrem de placuta.
Coltarul face parte din colectia Emac Eclipse Sunset alaturi de braul decorativ Novolistel Eclipse Sunset (link:Vezi produs)
Cornierul este format din 2 parti: baza, care se prinde pe perete si care este ascunsa vederii, si partea de clip-on, care este vizibila si care ascunde benzile led montate pe baza, permitand astfel luminii sa patrunda in incapere prin partile laterale ale profilului. Se creaza astfel un iluminat indirect si un efect de perdea de lumina care va aduce profunzime spatiului in care este montat.
Profilul de colt este potrivit pentru placari cu placi ceramice, panouri decorative, lemn, pal, etc.
Novoescuadra Eclipse Sunset reprezinta o solutie de design ultra-moderna, deosebita si contemporana. Profilul va completa cu succes amenajarile interioare din hoteluri, restaurante, baruri, sau chiar din locuintele private.
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Materiale si dimensiuni
Profil realizat din aluminiu eloxat/lacuit cu rezistente mari impotriva proceselor corozive, oxidative si a stresului mecanic. Materialul detine certificatele de calitate Qualanod si Qualicoat care garanteaza calitatea inalta a procesului de fabricatie si a profilelor rezultate.
Lungime L= 2.5m
Latime laturi a= 25mm
Inaltime adaptabila h= 8mm-13mm
Culori: argintiu satinat, negru mat si alb mat
Sectiune produs
a= 25mm
b= 3.7mm
c= 9mm
h= 8mm- 13mm

Novoescuadra Eclipse® Sunset is a system composed of two profiles that is supplied disassembled
and installed on site.
1. First install the base of the system. Spread plenty of thin-set mortar on the surface of the wall where the profile will be placed.
2. Position the base profile of the Novolistel Eclipse® Sunset system and allow the thin-set mortar to pass through the holes of the fixing flange.
3. Place the cladding along the fixing flange pressing for optimum adhesion. Make sure that the inner recess of the base profile is free of any dirt or adhesive.
4. Continue to install the wall covering until the installation is complete.
Then, once the work has been completed, place the trim profile. If you wish to light it, place the LED strips before inserting it. To get the most out of this solution, we recommend the use of controllers that can adjust the light intensity of the LED strips according to the time of day.
The trim can be disassembled in case maintenance or change of finish is required. To do so, it must be disassembled taking the necessary precautions to preserve its shape and avoid damage or deformation. Should any damage occur, there is the possibility of acquiring a new trim to be placed on the already installed base.
1. Fit the legs of the trim lightly inside the recess of the base profile.
2. Once it is slightly wedged in, start at one end and work it into position by pressing it up or down.
You can use a rubber hammer to gently tap it into position, making sure that you do not damage the profile. The profile has a positioning leg that will serve as a support for the installation.
3. Check the entire profile and verify that it has been properly fitted along its entire length.